Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Randomness =)

I'm so glad that we got a teacher as good as Ms.Mack this year. When my parents told me that Ms.Flynn wasn't coming back I was worried that our school would've gotten us a bad teacher. I don't know how I would've dealt with having a bad teacher for the next two years. When I found out that we got Ms.Mack for our teacher, I was so excited. I can't wait to see how much better I get by the end of next year.


When I'm dancing, I imagine that I'm by myself and just go for it and don't hold back...well I try to anyways. That helps me because sometimes I become self-conscious of how I dance. Forgetting that everyone else is there helps me.

Focus in the classroom

I believe that I am focused during class. The way that I get focused every morning is I listen to music that wakes me up and gets me in the mood to dance. I also just relax and think about what i have to do that day. I sometimes lose focus when I know that class is almost over. Usually, that only happens when it looks like we're going to have a little amount of time to change.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My experience during Rep. on Wednesday

On Wednesday during Rep,I found the rehearsal process to be very fun but still serious. The lifts are getting easier to do because I'm getting used to them. In the choreography, there are small nuances in the sauté combination. After the second time Ashlei and I come in with the combo, we add in a lift and it becomes a cannon.